Monday, January 31, 2011

Reading Response #1

Prop 8 Hurt My Family
In this text, it is talking about how Proposition 8 caused physical and emotional harm to the LGBTI individuals. Studies have shown that those who live in states that have passed marriage amendments experienced increased psychological stress, verbal abuse, and homophobia. However, it is not only these certain individuals that were harmed. Their immediate families were also affected because they are associated with that individual. I feel that this is an issue that should be resolved by the people and not the government. In this text, it illustrated about the harm and abuse to the LGBTI individuals, but not the affect to the straight individuals. Therefore, I believe that this text is one-sided. It makes us feel more passionate and emotional towards these individuals, but how did Proposition 8 affect the straight people? How did it affect their families? Also, I feel that this shows the disrespect people have towards others in America. The phrase, "Treat others as you wished to be treated," is the golden rule that these people do not follow. The majority of Americans may stay quiet and never say anything, but there will always be those who oppose certain decisions and speak out, in a disrespectful manner. I believe that there should not be a Proposition 8 in California because it should be the peoples' decision. However, I believe that religion is the main reason as to why some people accept Proposition 8. In my religion, to be a LGBTI individual is considered a mental illness and is shunned upon. Same sex marriage should be decided by the people. 

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